The Ural Open Joint Stock Company "Uralhydromash" producing hydraulic machinery, power, chemical and oil-extracting equipment (OJSC "Uralhydromash") is located in Sysert, Sverdlovsk region, at a distance of 50 kilometers from Yekaterinburg.
The works was founded in 1732 and consisted of metallurgical and mechanical shops. In 1932 metallurgical shops were temporarily closed down. In 1938 mechanical shops were transferred to the rank of machine-building works and as metallurgical ones formally stopped its existence. Since 1942 the works has begun to manufacture hydraulic turbines of small and average capacity for water power stations under construction. It was renamed to the Ural Works of Hydraulic Machines. About 1650 turbines with total capacity of 1500 MW were produced at the works within the period up to 1967. First pumps of large size were manufactured in 1947.
Currently OJSC "Uralhydromash" is one of the leading enterprises of Ural region industry and the whole machine-building complex of Russia. It specializes on design and manufacture of axial, mixed-flow, centrifugal, submersible pumping units and pumps of special designation for chemical, mining, oil-refining, metallurgical and shipbuilding industries, for water supply canals and pipelines, thermal and nuclear stations, for industrial and municipal water power supply systems, sewerage, melioration, irrigation and other branches; and design and manufacture of hydraulic turbines of small and average capacity. The enterprise has highly skilled research specialists, designers, process engineers and working personnel as well as production and testing equipment and floor areas, which make it possible to design, improve and manufacture products corresponding to customers' requirements.
Unique pumps of OJSC "Uralhydromash” operate in all leading branches of Russia and countries of Commonwealth and have high reputation on the world market. Pumps produced by OJSC "Uralhydromash" are reliable and economic, simple in operation and maintenance. They have long guarantee period and by their production-economic indices and designing solutions are not inferior to best foreign specimens.
Taking into account increasing world concern to ecological friendly and environmentally safe power sources, OJSC "Uralhydromash" is promoting its hydraulic turbines of small and average capacity to sales market more actively. Such turbines do not require significant construction and operation costs, still retaining all the advantage of pumps. Hydraulic turbines manufactured by OJSC "Uralhydromash" successfully operate in Kamchatka, Nothern Osetia, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Kaliningrad region and other regions of Russia an world countries.
OJSC "Uralhydromash" aims to achieve constant high quality of manufactured and supplied equipment, to assure its correspondence to applied requirements and standards and to meet customers needs and requirements, including time of delivery.
For successful solution of the undertaken objective the enterprise constantly keeps business relations with Customers, render them technical assistance in erection supervision, commissioning and operation of hydraulic equipment; supply necessary spare parts. Our equipment high quality and compatibility and increasing efficiency of the work activity is facilitated by the introduction of new technologies of production, technical re-equipment, constant improvement and creation of new hydraulic machinery, search of new technical solutions carried out by designers, process engineers and other specialists of the enterprise, and participation of all personnel in creative activity.
Potentialities of OJSC "Uralhydromash" are evidenced by the concluded contracts for delivery of equipment, production sales volumes. For example, in 1998 a unique horizontal axial pump with capacity of 64m3 /sec and head equal to 4-6m was designed, manufactured and delivered under the order of the Chinese State Shipbuilding Corporation. In 1997 hydraulic turbines were designed, manufactured and supplied to the United States of America for reconstruction of water power stations. In 1999 OJSC "Uralhydromash" under conditions of hard competition won a tender for delivery of 50 pumps of type D2000-21 and 8 large-size horizontal pumps with capacity of 25 m3 /sec to Iraq. The equipment of OJSC "Uralhydromash" operate in more than 60 world countries (including the above- mentioned), such as India, Poland, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Cuba. The OJSC "Uralhydromash" was the first machine-building works in the Ural region that had automatic control system SAP R/3 on the basis of computer techniques installed.
The OJSC "Uralhydromash" has gained international recognition and reputation, as evidenced by numerous Russian and international certificates, licenses, prizes, awards and diplomas:
International Standard Quality Certificate ISO 9001:1994 given by the famous independent British Company Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance Limited, confirming quality management system of the enterprise.
Certificate of "Dresser" firm (Great Britain) confirming the quality of pump testing and manufacturing.
Certificate of the Russian Federation "Leader of the Russian Economy".
License giving the right to produce pumping equipment for nuclear stations.
Licenses giving the right to produce and design pumping equipment for oil and gas industries.
Award of Birmingham Association "Torch" for achievements in development of economy during the transition period.
"Golden Award of Europe for Quality" adjudicated by Madrid "Club of Trade Leaders".
"Golden Palm" Award presented by the French Association "Partnership for Progress" giving the right to mark "Uralhydromash" production with the award symbol.
International Award "Artsmaker" in the nomination "For Preservation and Development of the Enterprise Personnel Intellectual Potential during the Transition Economy Period".
"Golden Mercury" Award given by the American Business Academy.
International Grand-Prize of 1999 for prestige and quality.
Award "Sun-Gold to the Best" of the International Association on Marketing and Quality (Mexico).
International Golden Prize "For Technology and Quality" given by the Club of Trade Leaders.
Golden Prize "For Commercial Prestige. Prize of new millenium".
International prize "Silver Dolphin" in the nomination "Manager XXI".
"Crystal Nike
" Prize of International Program "Partnership for Progress" and Certificate Number ¹ RN-24/072 .Certificate AD-043/28 of the International Association ADM for participation in the International Business Partners Association of Australian Discovery Market "Entrepreneurship 2000"
Awards to General Director of OJSC "Uralhydromash" I.P.Romanenko for personal achievements:
Certificate of "International Academy of Business and Management Leaders" testifying that General Director I.P.Romanenko is a full-fledged member of "The International Business Academy".
International Award "Artsmaker" in the nomination "For Wisdom and Adaptability of Management Policy".
Diploma ¹ AD-053/34 of International Business Partners Association certifying that General Director has the status "Business Leader
-2000" for his business qualities and high professionalism in management.Diploma ¹ GM-16/R34 of International Program "Partnership for Progress" certifying that I.P.Romanenko has the status "General Director-2000" for his business qualities and high profe
ssionalism in management.